Dear Readers, It's me, Sebastian, game designer at Shadow Shrimp Studios. Today I wanted to talk about a very important topic, How to handle crunch time stress. Crunch time stress is the stress that builds up as life swirls around you as deadlines loom even closer and closer. Crunch time can be very stressful and everyone has different coping mechanisms for it. While alcohol isn’t always bad (please drink responsibly), too much alcohol can be dangerous for you and those around you. In this post, I thought it would be nice to explore some of my approaches that DON'T involve alcohol. "When I get stressed, I like to turn to one of four ways of decompressing. They may not be for everyone, but hopefully this might give you some ideas you might not have considered before." Cooking Personally cooking is one of my favorite ways to unwind. It lets you blow off steam and learn new recipes. Plus, you get to eat what you make! Hobbies Hobbies can range from painting gunpla mode...
I am a gameplay programmer on Batteries Included, however I also volunteered handle setting up all the animations. In a studio as small as ours, the person that has the most knowledge about a subject typically ends up assigned the work associated with that task. That is not to say I know anything about creating animations, but I do have experience with importing them and using them in engine. Working with the animations meant that I worked directly with our external art team. At first, working with the art team was fine, they gave us work when they said they would and it was of good quality. However, things began to change when they started working on the animations. At the beginning of May 2018, the art team told us they were having some technical problems with their motion capture studio, and it would be a few months before we would receive any animations. We understood and just asked to keep us updated. Over the next 2 months there would be stretches of rad...